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On my Facebook page I do post some updates from time to time.

ABnR Academy

Certified Canine and Equine Rehabilitation Practitioner  

2019 - 2022 despite Corona and all the other adversities I managed to successfully complete 5 modules at the ABnR Academy!

Saddlefit 4 Life Vet Special Course

25th - 28th of January 2018

From 25th - 28th of January I have been attending a Saddlefit 4 Life Vet Special Course with Jochen Schleese in Frankfurt/Germany.

The topics: saddle fitting and saddle fit, the difference between male and female anatomy and the consequences for rider and horse... and so much more...

It was a great course, practical, informative, eye opening how may problems non fitting saddles can result in, and why different saddles for men and women make so much sense!